(taedon witztl doesn't live here anymore).

LULU v.6 // all the fucks i never gave

LULU v.6 // all the fucks i never gave

LULU v.6 // all the fucks i never gave

curated by lauren gillis + ted witzel + helen yung // at buddies in bad times theatre june 2017.

a sweaty sexy party to kick off pride month // 
BYO fashion // come in a costume or an outfit or nothing at all // 
get yourself did up + come make out with a stranger

DJs // denise BENSON // dre NGOZI // karim olen ASH

tattoos by @ek.tattoos + @rat666tat // special guests lucy flawless + dottie dangerfield + beardoncé + cherry poppins // intimate performances by @sultanaburlesque // oysters by the pearl diver // makeup treatments by mac // onsite styling // airbrushing by joseph hinds // lash bar by winks boutique // fashion photography by@allthefux // rope bondage (shibari) performances // casino tables // peep shows // lulus everywhere // dancing // dancing // dancing // dancing // swag bags for the first 50 guests