(taedon witztl doesn't live here anymore).

postcards from berlin

this is an exercise i invented for myself to process a bunch of work i was seeing while based in berlin a couple years back.

these aren’t reviews by any means.

they’re freewheeling reflections on the differences between anglo-canadian and northern european theatre ecologies, prompted by specific pieces i saw over the course of fall 2017.

in retrospect i probably should have carried the exercise over to the dance clubs. next time.

postcards from berlin #14 [kafka onstage]

AMERIKA (r. parízek) @ deutsches theater

it used to be that i liked the idea of kafka onstage better in theory than in practice.  now i’m beginning to understand why it’s not even that exciting in theory.  not even with regine zimmerman being fucking fantastic.

for more on the show click here.